Thursday, 18 February 2010

Jumping for Joy

I've just spent a whole day happily doing what I love.
Don't get me wrong, since setting up Escapist Games I've had many days like this. In fact most days for me are, at the moment, one way or another, pretty damn cool. Yes, I'm very lucky.

The thing is, the reason I set up this company in the first place was to create a little game idea I had quite a while ago called Jumpfight. I'd spent rather a long time tinkering with it in prototype-form in Blitz Basic 3D (a great beginners language by the way - it makes everything so easy!) but in order to do it justice I knew it needed to be on a console, utilising the full power of the latest graphics cards. Basically I wanted to make a game that will blow you away, and I knew to do that I needed a viable business to support the development. Remember, 2009 was not a good year to go into the bank and ask for a loan!

Anyway, the business is finally starting to bear fruit. We've spent a year creating the technology and learning the ropes. Also, I'm very happy to say that Star Chart, for the iPhone is doing modestly well. So it should, it's a great little app and with constant updates its only going to get better!

And so I've had a great day, finally working on something that's very close to my heart. Work on Jumpfight has started in earnest. It's going to be awesome. Watch this space!