Tuesday, 7 July 2009

A triple news sandwich

Yep, I know its been ages. But boy have we been busy!
Lets see, Atomhex isn't released yet. We've had a few big publishers interested in signing it up and releasing it properly on Xbox Live Arcade so we are holding it back from the Xbox Indie Games channel for now to see what happens on that front.

Our Xbox360 port of Platypus, a fantastic game, all the graphics made exclusively in clay, is our next announced project. Again, we are in talks with publishers to get it onto XBLA so I'll let you know how that goes. Either way, expect to be playing it with a friend (and stealing all their powerups) later this year on your Xbox360.

And finally, we've just released The World Clock for the Xbox360, a little app that shows you what the time is all over the world in a very pleasing graphical way. Its a very polished little piece of software and well worth a look. You can find it in the Indie Games category.

See I told you we've been busy! :)



  1. Just dropping in to say I LOVE Atomhex. If you can publish other games by Incinitti I'd buy them in a heartbeat! Much love!

  2. Nice but i want to share one more game like: Astropup Game

  3. I want find this type of blog and i want to share one more biggest iOS and Android App like: Teensy Studios
