Monday 27 April 2009

Atomhex submitted for review

The title says it all really. We've finally got it in for review on the XNA community site. Wahey!

Seems I broke forum etiquete by not putting it in for playtest first but ah well. With the amount of playtesting we've put it through, its really pretty solid. Notice I'm not saying it will definitely pass! There's always the chance we've missed something.

The past few weeks have been tough. Making computer games isn't like dusting crops you know.
Long days of testing and bug-fixing. And just when we thought it was all over, a few days before we were going to release it... Bang! or rather Crash! The worst bug I've ever had the misfortune of trying to fix, in MY ENTIRE LIFE. No way to really track it down. It was randomly triggered - could hit anywhere after a few minutes play to 50 minutes in.
We finally nailed it after a week to some buggy XNA audio routines we were using. Had to entirely re-engineer the way we handled our audio, but well, it all works now.

Here's me going on and on about the pain, when I'm sure you'd much rather hear about the pleasure - the game and how it plays! But, oh dear I've run out of time... I guess we'll talk about that next time.


1 comment:

  1. The above intellection is stylish and doesn't expect any advance element. It's perfect cerebration from my choose.
    wow gold
